Pregnancy signals the beginning of a new chapter in your life filled with plans for the baby’s arrival. You have much to do to prepare, from assembling a crib and other baby furniture to picking out paint colors or wallpaper for the nursery. Don’t forget to set aside time to plan for the financial impact of being out of work during the pregnancy and when you bring the baby home.
Making ends meet while out of work should be a priority. The Northern California disability professionals at Sackett and Associates present this blog explaining the benefits available to you when pregnant and what to know when applying for short-term disability while pregnant to obtain the financial assistance you need.
Pregnancy And Short-Term Disability
The terms of the disability insurance policy you have as a benefit through an employer or purchased on your own determine whether it pays benefits for pregnancy. Most plans include pregnancy and short-term disability coverage.
If you’re wondering about maternity leave taken after the birth of your child, coverage typically requires certification from your doctor that you cannot return to work for medical reasons due to pregnancy or childbirth. Coverage may also be available during maternity leave when you cannot return to work because of complications during the pregnancy or birth that require additional recovery time.
Benefits Available From Short-Term Disability Insurance
What is available from a short-term policy after pregnancy disability benefits approval depends on the terms and conditions of the policy. Generally, short-term policies provide up to 70% of what you earn while working.
Policies may have a waiting or elimination period before benefits begin. The typical elimination period is one to two weeks. Once benefits start, they may continue for six to eight weeks, depending on the policy terms. Longer payment periods may be authorized for a pregnancy with complications.
Applying For Short-Term Disability While Pregnant
It is important to remember that a short-term disability insurance policy you purchase on your own and a plan provided by your employer only pay benefits when you are disabled and unable to work. It is usually six weeks after delivery of the baby or eight weeks if you have a C-section. You may be approved for a longer benefit period if you have complications certified by your doctor as requiring a longer period away from work. However, a decision to remain at home to bond with your newborn will not qualify as a disability covered for benefits under the policy or plan.
If you purchase a disability policy or start a job with a new employer during pregnancy, you may have difficulty being approved for coverage. Check with the human resources department where you work to learn more about the terms and conditions of their plan.
A policy you purchase from a disability insurance company may exclude coverage for the pregnancy as a pre-existing condition. The policy will be issued to you, but the terms of the policy prevent you from getting disability approved during pregnancy that began before the policy was acquired.
Family Leave Laws And Benefits During Maternity Leave
Several states and the federal government have family leave laws protecting workers from being terminated when taking maternity and medical leave. A few states have paid family leave laws providing a portion of a worker’s salary during leave periods.
The Family and Medical Leave Act, or FMLA, is a federal law allowing workers to take unpaid leave from their jobs for up to 12 weeks during any 12-month period for a variety of reasons, including:
- Birth of a child
- Caring for a newborn during the first year after birth.
- Caring for a newly placed child with a worker through adoption or foster care during the first year of placement.
- Care for a spouse, child, or parent of a worker with a serious health condition.
- When a worker cannot perform their job activities because of a serious health condition.
The 12-week leave period is extended to 26 weeks for a worker caring for a service member who is the spouse, son, daughter, parent, or next of kin.
Some states, such as California, have short-term disability insurance programs and a paid family leave program that pays a portion of a worker’s earnings when they remain home to bond with a new child or care for a seriously ill family member. Information and assistance with family leave laws in your state can be obtained from Sackett Law.
Get Help Applying For Disability Benefits During Pregnancy
One of the challenges to getting disability approved during pregnancy is having the medical documentation to support your claim. The disability lawyers at Sackett Law work with your health care providers to ensure your claim is strong and supported by medical records and statements from the doctors caring for you. Contact Sackett Law today for a free consultation and disability claim evaluation.
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