Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects individuals of all ages. It has a powerful impact on their ability to focus, organize, and control impulses. For those with severe symptoms, ADHD can hinder success in various aspects of life and diminish the person’s ability to accomplish daily functions. In this article, we’ll explain how ADHD may qualify as a disability if it meets the criteria used by the Social Security Administration (SSA) to assess disability claims.
While every disability benefits claimant can benefit from hiring an experienced Social Security Disability lawyer to prepare their claim and argue for its approval, those who file disability claims based on ADHD are especially in need of a highly skilled disability law attorney. At Sackett and Associates, our disability lawyers have many years of experience working on claims involving a wide range of physical or mental impairments. Call us for help with your Social Security Disability claim.
Understanding ADHD as a Disability
ADHD is a neurological developmental disorder characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Everyone with ADHD does not experience symptoms severe enough to qualify for disability benefits. However, the condition can have a profound impact on academic, professional, and social functioning for those with severe impairments. In such cases, ADHD does qualify as a disability under the Social Security Act if it meets specific criteria outlined by the SSA.
Qualifying for Disability Benefits with ADHD
Unlike some other medical conditions, ADHD itself is not listed as a separate impairment in the Social Security Administration’s (SSA’s) manual of “listed impairments” that qualify for disability. Disability lawyers and Social Security Administration employees know the manual as the Blue Book. However, many impairments that are eligible for disability benefits are not separately listed in the Blue Book. In fact, some successful disability benefits claimants suffer from a combination of impairments, none of which is individually severe enough to qualify the person for disability benefits. The cumulative effect of the combined impairments, however, does affect the person severely enough to merit approval of SSD benefits.
ADHD could also qualify for disability benefits if it meets the criteria for other recognized disabling impairments.
Neurodevelopmental Disorders:
Under this listing, individuals with ADHD may qualify for disability benefits if they demonstrate marked impairments in cognitive, social, or occupational functioning. This might include significant deficits in adaptive functioning, such as communication, self-care, or interpersonal relationships.
Symptoms Considered by the SSA
When evaluating disability claims for ADHD, the SSA considers various symptoms, medical findings, and test results to determine eligibility. These may include:
- Inattention: Difficulty focusing, organizing tasks, or following through on instructions.
- Hyperactivity: Excessive restlessness, fidgeting, or impulsivity.
- Impulsivity: Acting without forethought, interrupting others, or engaging in risky behavior.
- Executive Dysfunction: Challenges with planning, time management, and goal-directed behavior.
Medical Findings:
- Diagnosis of ADHD by a qualified healthcare provider based on DSM-5 criteria.
- Documentation of significant impairments in academic, occupational, or social functioning due to ADHD symptoms.
- Identification of comorbid conditions such as anxiety, depression, or learning disabilities that increase ADHD symptoms.
Test Results:
- Neuropsychological assessments, such as IQ testing or tests of executive functioning, may provide objective evidence of cognitive deficits associated with ADHD.
- Reports of academic difficulties, disciplinary problems, or special education services received due to ADHD-related impairments.
How Can Sackett and Associates Disability Law Firm Help?
People suffering from ADHD can be especially challenged in the functions necessary to prepare and organize a complete and compelling Social Security Disability benefits application. When you work with Sackett and Associates, our experienced disability law attorneys know precisely what to do to gather the appropriate supportive evidence and how to organize it in such a way that maximizes your chances for approval.
We evaluate every potential disability claim present in every client’s life. Through extensive personal interviews with you, our specially trained advocates and disability lawyers identify every basis each client may have as a contributing factor to their disability. While a single dominant basis for the claim may exist, the accompanying lesser impairments are relevant when they compound the impact of your disability in your daily life.
Our staff also assess the strength of your case, reviews your medical records, and determines whether you meet the eligibility criteria for disability benefits based on your ADHD symptoms.
Sackett and Associates gather the necessary documentation, including medical records, school reports, and statements from healthcare providers, to support your disability claim. When your disability claim is filed, your lawyer will represent you throughout the disability claims process, advocating for your rights and interests at every stage, from initial application to and through appeals, if necessary.
In some cases, despite a well-prepared claim and a worthy, qualified claimant, a disability claim can be denied unjustly. If your disability claim is denied, our lawyers can guide you through the appeals process and present convincing evidence to the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) at a disability hearing.
At Sackett and Associates, we always work to obtain the maximum benefits to which you are entitled to under the law, including any retroactive payments. Retroactive payments are issued starting from the end of the fifth month following the claimant’s “disability onset date,” or DOD. There is a five-month waiting period from the date your disability is determined to have started before benefits are due.
Working with our experienced disability lawyers at Sackett and Associates relieves you of the frustration and confusion that can fill many applicants with anxiety. We want our work to increase your chances of successfully obtaining disability benefits for ADHD.
If you are struggling with the disabling effects of ADHD, contact Sackett and Associates to find out if you could receive Social Security disability benefits.
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